Which style do you naturally prefer? What happens to your communication style when you are
under pressure?
Don't score an own goal with the wrong communication style |
Communication is an important element of your
personal brand, it defines who you are and how you interact with others. This
post builds on our earlier blog post "Maximising Your Personal Brand Part 1 –Self Awareness".
We all have a natural or preferred communication style
and this blog post explores the various communication styles, linking them to
the transactional analysis ego states. Often we use a different style depending on the situation or who we are interacting with. As part of any robust career management strategy it is important to flex your communication style and not adopt a one
size fits all approach. Effective communicators influence others, gaining
buy-in and engagement.
Building on the earlier theme of self awareness give
some thought to what happens to your communication style when you are under
pressure – does it become more pronounced, change radically or alienate others?
There are lots of free self assessment tools and questionnaires
available on the internet to help you determine your communication style. Which
style(s) do you think you use?
Style: Assertive
Passive Aggressive
Ego State: “I’m
OK You’re OK”
OK I’m not”
OK You’re not”
not OK I’m not OK”
Transactional Analysis: Adult
Best style
High self esteem
Gains respect
Least used
Pleases others and avoids conflict
Low self esteem
Doesn’t contribute views
Ineffective style as causes reactions
Often at the expense of others
Low self esteem
Appear passive but actually subtly undermine
Indirectly aggressive
Criticises self
Open body language
Listen & don’t interrupt
Good eye contact
Avoids eye contact
Closed body language
Out to win
Sweet and innocent
Mismatch between verbal and non verbal
Builds good relationships with
Low energy, gives in too
easily, lacks confidence, can be self critical & resentful
Can upset others, and appear angry
and hostile
Can remain stuck in the victim
mindset, so can’t move on. Can alienate themselves from others